Monday 1 February 2016

Our Inspiration today: Kaffy the Dance Queen...

 In 2006 she led her dance crew Imagneto and danced her way into the Guinness book of world records and ultimately into our hearts. Kafayat Oluwatoyin Shafau, popularly known as Kaffy, is a professional dancer, fitness coach and the founder and owner of her own Dance Academy.  Kaffy has not only made a name for herself, but has grown to be a major influence in the Nigerian entertainment scene today.

 She has choreographed and featured in countless music videos, concert and tours. A judge , faculty member and dance instructor on shows like Maltina Dance All, Dance with Peter and Project Fame. This award winning dancer has made her mark, from her energetic dance steps to the creative costumes, to the impeccable, jaw dropping and ground breaking performances she displays each with her crew, she always leaves her audiences at the edge of their seats and entertained to maximum level.

Kaffy is a mother, a wife , a professional dancer, a fitness instructor, an entrepreneur and most importantly an Inspiration to the Black African Female. 

 Read more on one of her interviews here

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